Did you know that incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily life is highly beneficial in reducing stress, improving your mental focus, and keeping yourself mentally healthy? These benefits are critical in helping you to perform well, sharpen your focus and improve your productivity in a variety of situations. Here are 4 simple mindfulness practices to help you achieve a more effective and productive morning.

Practice gratitude

Take 5 minutes to practice gratitude. Focus on what is positive in your life at the moment. Feel thankful for your presence, for those around you and for being able to wake up. Practicing gratitude entails not only being thankful for the present yet also being able to let go of everything that has happened. You may notice an increase in energy and pleasure as you learn to let everything go.

Check in with your body

Take a moment to check in with your body. Does it feel heavy or light?  Start stretching. Release the tension from your body and let it feel the joy of just being, waking up, or sitting up on your bed. Pay attention to every part of your body. What signals are you receiving from your body? Do you have aches or pain?  Does it remind you to be gentler and take more care of your body?

Focus on your breath

Meditate! Take 10 mindful breathes, while really bringing your attention on each and every breathes. With your eyes closed, visualising and focusing on the natural sound of your surroundings. Feel those energy around you. It may help your mind focus.

Eliminate distraction

Minimize the source of digital disruptions and interruptions in the morning. Allow your mind to be relaxed and avoid absorbing too much information. Focus only on your surroundings. Feel the pleasure of being able take charge of what you choose to attract yourself to in the present moment.

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