Mindful Leadership
Mindfulness can dramatically improve our productivity. The teachings and practices of the…
One of the most common reasons that people cite for wanting to learn MEDITATION and MINDFULNE…
Mindful Communication
Mindful Communication happens at many levels within the organization, both formally and informally. It is…
Mindfulness for Wellbeing
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or ant…
Mindfulness Retreat
We believe that people are the most important building blocks of successful organizations and…
Mindfulness for Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with challenges, uncertainties, and high-pressure decision-mak…
VIPASSA creates a living force to sustain what matters to you, your team, your business, and the world through training development programs.
With the mission to empower, we help people to achieve their true potential by sharing the message of compassionate leadership. We build mindful leaders and help people discover their inner entrepreneurial spirit through bridging the heart and mind to possibilities.